March 2010 Chairman’s Note

 Dear Members and Section Friends,

The snow is melting fast this time of year! Don’t miss your chance to participate in the clean snowmobile challenge (CSC) competition March 15th – 20th in Houghton, MI. Find out more information on the CSC by visiting

The May family night section meeting is scheduled for May 20th at Hiller Ford in Franklin, WI. The meeting will have a race theme and we are looking for your vehicles to proudly display. Please contact Dale Wiza (414-807-9663) if you would like to bring a vehicle.

 Dear Members and Section Friends,

The snow is melting fast this time of year! Don’t miss your chance to participate in the clean snowmobile challenge (CSC) competition March 15th – 20th in Houghton, MI. Find out more information on the CSC by visiting

The May family night section meeting is scheduled for May 20th at Hiller Ford in Franklin, WI. The meeting will have a race theme and we are looking for your vehicles to proudly display. Please contact Dale Wiza (414-807-9663) if you would like to bring a vehicle.

The MSOE student chapter is heading to the annual SAE Detroit Section Student Exhibit Competition to represent their new Formula Hybrid Team. The Milwaukee Section will be sponsoring their journey to help their chapter activities proliferate. The MSOE chapter will provide a summary of their experience during the May Section meeting.

This coming month, the nomination committee will be presenting the slate of officers for this coming year. We are always looking for leadership and contributing talents. We are currently seeking a replacement Treasurer and Secretary positions. You will be mentored for any position you choose, plenty of support is waiting for you!

I thank you for your continued support of the SAE Milwaukee Section. Your participation at Section meetings valued and appreciated. Please send me any comments/ideas you have that can improve Milwaukee Section for everyone.

Best regards,

Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section



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