October 2010 Chairman’s Note

Dear Members and Section Friends,


The kickoff meeting hosted by P&H Mining was a huge success with over 100 people in attendance. They were well organized and provided a fantastic tour of their large scale machining and welding capabilities. I would like to thank them on behalf of our section for their generous sponsorship of the meal cost. The funds raised by the section will be distributed to the student chapters in grant money during the November Student Night meeting.


Dear Members and Section Friends,


The kickoff meeting hosted by P&H Mining was a huge success with over 100 people in attendance. They were well organized and provided a fantastic tour of their large scale machining and welding capabilities. I would like to thank them on behalf of our section for their generous sponsorship of the meal cost. The funds raised by the section will be distributed to the student chapters in grant money during the November Student Night meeting.


The November Student Night meeting is being coordinated by Mike Krauski and Bernard Krauska. The theme of the meeting will relate to rapid product development. We invite your company to participate in the event by hosting a display exhibit at the meeting in exchange for a monetary donation or gift in kind. The donations will be awarded to the student chapters.


Be sure to visit the Milwaukee Section website to check for regular updates. Here you will find monthly newsletters, a link to the registration webpage, and coming soon… governing board meeting

minutes and local company job postings. Our webpage sponsors at Ken Cook Co. have played a key role in establishing and maintaing this tool.


Please recognize Briggs & Stratton employee Doug Kautzer for coordinating the October Section meeting. We are excited to make another visit to one of Wisconsin’s renowned engine manufactures. I look forward to seeing you at the Briggs & Stratton meeting this month.


Best regards,


Jim Ryan
Chairman – Milwaukee Section

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