October 2011 Chairman’s Note

Dear Members and Section Friends,


Thanks for joining us at the September Erik Buell Racing event. Over 200 attendees participated in a walk through of Erik Buell Racing (EBR), saw the 1190ERS race bike, and heard the unique story of the evolution of America’s Sports Bike. This event marked the highest attendance for the Milwaukee Section in over 10 years! Best of luck to the EBR team on racetrack.


Dear Members and Section Friends,


Thanks for joining us at the September Erik Buell Racing event. Over 200 attendees participated in a walk through of Erik Buell Racing (EBR), saw the 1190ERS race bike, and heard the unique story of the evolution of America’s Sports Bike. This event marked the highest attendance for the Milwaukee Section in over 10 years! Best of luck to the EBR team on racetrack.


I’m proud to report that the Milwaukee section is the 5th largest section in the world. Our Milwaukee Section membership is currently at 920 strong. By adding 180 members this year we can become the 3rd largest section. We need to work together by networking and promote SAE to increase our membership. A portion of your annual membership fee is given back to the Milwaukee Section and helps fund our local operations for newsletters, student grants, and subsidizing meal cost.


Remember to visit our website regularly to learn more about the Section’s activity. Beginning this year, you can now find the board meeting minutes posted online. Take a glance to find out what meeting plans are in the works. We always encourage your feedback or recommendations.


Best regards,


Jim Ryan

Chairman – Milwaukee Section


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